How to Become a Recipient of
Meals on Wheels Brevard
Who can receive meals?
Meals are available to those who are homebound, without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, handicap or ability to pay.
Must be at least 60 years old;
Must be homebound (cannot drive, or driving is very limited);
Unable to shop or cook;
Services are temporarily available to those who are recovering from illness or injury;
An application form must be submitted.
Information for Clients
We are happy to be able to deliver a fresh meal for your lunch between 11:00 am and 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday. Please be at home to receive your meal during this time. If you are not home to receive the meal and have not made previous arrangements as to where to put the meal, we will not leave the meal. Occasionally we may be a few minutes early and sometimes we may not get to you until after noon due to several different factors. Please be patient with us as we try to get to you as quickly as possible! If you do not receive your scheduled meal by 1:00 pm, please call 828.883.3743 to report that.
If you are planning on being away while your meal is being delivered, please try to notify us at least two days (if possible) before the day you aren't going to be home. Sometimes you may not know that far in advance, but try to let us know as soon as possible.
Meals on Wheels typically sends out statements for your meals after the first of the following month. Feel free to call Erin Frady, our coordinator, between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm Monday through Friday if you have questions or concerns. Please leave a message if she does not answer. The number to call is 828.883.3743. If you have an emergency on weekends or holidays, you can call and leave a message.